maandag 31 mei 2010

donderdag 27 mei 2010

151 MASH SF x Cinelli Histogram Frameset

MASH SF came up with this SICK frameset, made to match the teams Histogram Kits. The frame celebrates a recent exhibition opening at the Project Space Gallery in Los Angeles. If I'm honest I don't really care what the reason is........ it's just so fucking nice.

Via: Prolly Is Not Probably

150 Sid

Sid the new BFG mascot!

donderdag 20 mei 2010


BOIKZMOIND Trailer from Xynthetic on Vimeo.

Nice trailer from BOIKZMOIND a new film by Jamfactory and Makinov staring the Bristol fixed scene.

maandag 17 mei 2010

146 Just ride

A winter ride (oui, le coq sportive) fucked up my skinny for the second time...

woensdag 12 mei 2010

145 Fixed Gijon

David a new guy in town sends me this blog of a few friends of his back in Gijon (Spain that is), I can't understand a word but hey they got some nice pictures. Check it out here. Now all David has to do is get a fixie!

maandag 10 mei 2010

144 Bisonkit

Found this one on, I like those haircuts back in the day...

zondag 9 mei 2010

143 Words come up short

Saw this pic at Munster Fixed Gear and I just have to share it.

142 Bicycle Portraits

Got a mail from Stan Engelbrecht from South Africa, he saw our site and wanted to share a project he's been working on. Nice work Stan and good luck!

Bicycle Portraits - Bongani Ncala from Bicycle Portraits on Vimeo.

141 English

Where gona switch to English from now on, if ZLOG says your speaking German you know you have to change something. (changing the American topographic knowledge is to big of an effort for us)